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Re: Shrinking the C core

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Shrinking the C core
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2023 11:29:24 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:

>    And even this is not a definitive answer. I do not think
>    that we can point out a single reason why SBCL is faster.
>    I am not even sure if SBCL is _always_ faster.
> Always faster than what? What are you comparing?

We are working on it.

> SBCL is a compiler, Emacs is more than that.

Including SBCL with SLIME, but that would still be CL with
SBCL and not Elisp which is what we are (not) comparing with.

> It should be quite obvious why SBCL is faster than the Emacs
> Lisp VM (or even native). Just look at this call to (car
> "foo"), and compare what happens in Emacs.
> * (disassemble 'foo)
> ; disassembly for FOO
> ; Size: 166 bytes. Origin: #x225D873F                         ; FOO
> ; 3F:       488B042590060020 MOV RAX, [#x20000690]
> ; 47:       488945F8         MOV [RBP-8], RAX
> ; 4B:       48892C2560060020 MOV [#x20000660], RBP
> ; 53:       488B142518000020 MOV RDX, [#x20000018]
> ; 5B:       488D4210         LEA RAX, [RDX+16]
> ; 5F:       483B042520000020 CMP RAX, [#x20000020]
> ; 67:       7770             JA L2
> ; 69:       4889042518000020 MOV [#x20000018], RAX
> ; 71: L0:   488B0570FFFFFF   MOV RAX, [RIP-144]               ; "foo"
> ; 78:       488902           MOV [RDX], RAX
> ; 7B:       48C7420817010020 MOV QWORD PTR [RDX+8], #x20000117  ; NIL
> ; 83:       80CA07           OR DL, 7
> ; 86:       48312C2560060020 XOR [#x20000660], RBP
> ; 8E:       7402             JEQ L1
> ; 90:       CC09             INT3 9                           ; pending 
> interrupt trap
> ; 92: L1:   4C8D4424F0       LEA R8, [RSP-16]
> ; 97:       4883EC30         SUB RSP, 48
> ; 9B:       BFAF0B1520       MOV EDI, #x20150BAF              ; 'LIST
> ; A0:       488B3551FFFFFF   MOV RSI, [RIP-175]               ; '(VALUES
>                                                               ;   
> ; A7:       488B0552FFFFFF   MOV RAX, [RIP-174]               ; '("foo")
> ; AE:       498940F0         MOV [R8-16], RAX
> ; B2:       488B054FFFFFFF   MOV RAX, [RIP-177]               ; "(CAR 
> \"foo\")"
> ; B9:       498940E8         MOV [R8-24], RAX
> ; BD:       49C740E017010020 MOV QWORD PTR [R8-32], #x20000117  ; NIL
> ; C5:       B90C000000       MOV ECX, 12
> ; CA:       498928           MOV [R8], RBP
> ; CD:       498BE8           MOV RBP, R8
> ; D0:       B882B12620       MOV EAX, #x2026B182              ; #<FDEFN 
> ; D5:       FFD0             CALL RAX
> ; D7:       CC10             INT3 16                          ; Invalid 
> argument count trap
> ; D9: L2:   6A10             PUSH 16
> ; DB:       FF1425B0080020   CALL [#x200008B0]                ; #x21A00540: 
> ; E2:       5A               POP RDX
> ; E3:       EB8C             JMP L0
> * 


>> If we talk about type checking, Elisp uses dynamic typing
>> and compilation cannot do much about it. Native compilation
>> also does not touch C subroutines - the place where
>> typechecks are performed.
> SBCL implements a Lisp, Lisp by definition is
> dynamically typed.

Only for the kind of use (code) that we are used to. See this:


For example

(defunt meh5c ((int p1) (int p2))
    (+ p1 p2))
(meh5c 1 2) ; ==> 3

with defunt being a macro that uses declare.

A simple example is given earlier in the text,

(defun meh (p1)
  (declare (fixnum p1))
  (+ p1 3))

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