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Re: [Dvdrtools-users] Backup of a partition with compression

From: Volker Kuhlmann
Subject: Re: [Dvdrtools-users] Backup of a partition with compression
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 11:56:13 +1200

> "gzip < /dev/hd.. | growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -stream-media-size=...". What 
> happened was that the DVD is obviously burned (since it takes a while); 
> there is no error message. "ls" on the DVD then shows a very big file

Yes this should work, you get a DVD with a directory and a file (at the
expense of a few media blocks, and the time taken to burn zeros to fill
up stream-media-size), as opposed to binary jumble right from the
beginning of the disk. The 2GB limit for files on ISO9660 is one in
practice, if you expect portability. There were some circumstances in
which this could be exceeded, but I can't recall the details. It's been
described/discussed on the cdwrite list, by Jörg Schilling IIRC.

> >gzip </dev/... | growisofs -Z /dev/dvdrecorder=/dev/stdin
> That sounds perfect, I'll try it and see how it works. I guess I can get 
> back at the data with "dd if=/dev/dvd" or something like that?

Yes, or just gunzip </dev/dvd, if you're prepared to ignore a likely
error at the end. If you know the amount of data to read, use dd.

> No problem. The only case I'd want to get back at the data is to restore it 
> on the same or another partition, and then the partition size has to be 
> exactly the correct size anyway.

True. Tarring up the files would remove that dependency, and also result
in smaller archives because you're not also storing unused disk blocks.

> Viele Grüße,

Zurück ;)


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
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