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[Pnet-developers] Re: Pnet-developers Digest, Vol 28, Issue 8

From: Dennis Hayes
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Re: Pnet-developers Digest, Vol 28, Issue 8
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:03:30 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Ivan de Jesus Deras Tabora"
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Summer of Code 2007
To: address@hidden
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello everyone,

I want to participate in this Google SoC. I was thinking about the following:
One interesting software for me is the SharpDevelop, that is basically
I think adding generics to Pnet might be a better idea, and more generally (although SharpDevelop would certainly be very useful) useful. I am trying to get SharpDevelop to run under Mono, so let me know if you have interest, anything that makes it easier to run on one will help it run on the other.
Another option might be to try to get Monodevelop to run on PNet, I think the license would allow such.
MonoDevelop is a fork of a much earlier version of SharpDevelop, and supports GTK#, and already runs on Linux.
If you are interested in trying the ShparpDevelop port, download the Moma tool from Mono and run it against SharpDevelop. Moma is the Mono Migration Analyzer Tool. It is a simple .exe that does not require Mono to run. It looks at .exes and .dlls and creates a report that tells which .NET functions the application calls that are missing in Mono, are marked as having todo comments in Mono, have a path that throws notimplemented exception, as well as giving a list of P/Inkolks (DLL calls).
I have the report, and will send it to you if you ask.
Although this report is for Mono and not Pnet, it will give you an idea of what you would be up against.
SharpDevelop 2.0 also uses a lot of .NET 2.0 Winform controls.
I was able to get SharpDevelop to boot under Mono on Windows by removing WebControl and some RightToLeft options from SharpDevelop.
It boots (without displaying the splash screen. There is a place on the screen where the splash screen should be that does not get refreshed during boot, so the splash screen is “there,” just not visible). Opening a text file displays a tab with no text control or text; some of the options also display blank tabs. Everything else either throws exceptions that are logged and SD continues, or throws a fatal exception.
I am surprised that someone got part of SharpDevelop running under PNet, and would be interested in any details.
If you are interested, send me an email, and we can trade experiences.
Best Wishes,

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