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Re: [Pnet-developers] Re: [DotGNU] Bug in Pnet

From: Russell Stuart
Subject: Re: [Pnet-developers] Re: [DotGNU] Bug in Pnet
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:39:24 +1000

On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 07:58 +1000, Russell Stuart wrote:
> Fixes committed to CVS.

After thinking about it, the fix I doesn't really
solve the problem.  It only goes 1/2 way.  The 
demonstration code I posted now works, and I can
now continue development without ilrun getting
segmentation violations.

However, the stack record by the "throw" will be
wrong.  I presume whoever is looking at the stack
recorded by the exception will not be expecting 
the jsr return address to be in there.  Currently
two fixes come to mind.  I don't know the code
well enough to say which is better.

1.  Create a local for the finally, and store the
    return address in there at the top of the finally

2.  Create a second version of the exceptHeight variable.
    One version is the stack height at entry to the 
    function - just as was done before, the other is 
    adjusted by jsr - as is done now.   The first is 
    used when the stack is recorded.  The second is
    what throw truncates the stack to.

No.2 is probably easier for me to implement.  Any other

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