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[Pnet-developers] [bugs #11614] [0.6.10-12] Stack size > 4087 causes pro

From: Yannis BRES
Subject: [Pnet-developers] [bugs #11614] [0.6.10-12] Stack size > 4087 causes programs to loop endlessly
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 17:49:38 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

This is an automated notification sent by Savannah.
It relates to:
                bugs #11614, project DotGNU Portable.NET

 OVERVIEW of bugs #11614:


                 Summary: [0.6.10-12] Stack size > 4087 causes programs to
loop endlessly
                 Project: DotGNU Portable.NET
            Submitted by: yannis_bres
            Submitted on: dim 16.01.2005 à 17:49
                Category: None
                Severity: 5 - Average
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open


We use PNet on functional programs that often requires large code stacks.  As
such, we got used to run our programs using ilrun -S 4096.  Since several
versions (at least 0.6.10), this size causes programs to loop endlessly. 
4087 seems to be the highest valid size.
I could not reproduce this behaviour on a simple "hello!" C# program, but
here is a small test program, corresponding to the Bigloo recette
( stripped down to an empty module
that only launches the Bigloo runtime and then terminates.
This program runs correctly when launched using ilrun -S 4088 -C 256
recette-dotnet.exe, but loops endlessly as soon as one increases the stack
Best regards,


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