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[DotGNU]PR work (was: Help required/offered)

From: Norbert Bollow
Subject: [DotGNU]PR work (was: Help required/offered)
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 03:31:02 +0200 (CEST)

>> One area where we urgently need help is Public Relations,
>> i.e. convincing magazines, newpapers, news websites, etc.
>> to publish articles about DotGNU.  PR work typically also
>> includes writing suitable articles.
> I might be up for something like this. Can you give me an idea of what 
> level of technicality would be required for the articles please?

This depends on what level of technicality is useful for the readers
you have in mind....

I suggest you start by finding three people who will be willing to
help you by "test reading" your article.  They should be relatively
similar to each other with regard to their area of interest and
their level of technical knowledge.

Talk with these three people, telling them that you're working on an
article of DotGNU, and asking them whether they will be willing to
help you by "test reading" it when the article is finished.  If they
get curious about DotGNU and ask some questions right away, that's
the best possible outcome - make notes of these questions and make
sure that the article answers them well.

After you're written the article, ask your "test readers" to read it,
and then, with each of them, try to discuss the two main points of the
article.  This gives you an impression of what the article conveys to
readers.  If this is not what you want to convey, create a new version
and test that with three new "test readers".

When you're satisfied with how the article conveys your point, the
next step is to find suitable publications that you can offer it to.
Asking your "test readers" what they read may be a good starting

Greetings, Norbert.

Founder & Steering Committee member of
Free Software Business Strategy Guide   --->
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet (near Zurich, Switzerland)
Tel +41 1 972 20 59        Fax +41 1 972 20 69

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