I've placed an "*" before any arguments that affect both the source & sink (i.e., the underlying device), when applied to either. Argument: bladerf[=0] Notes: Device instance. Currently, this is a 0-based device index. In the future, additional device attributes such as (a subset of) the serial number or desired backend would be desirable attributes to consider for this argument. *Argument: fpga=<'/path/to/the/bitstream.rbf'> Notes: Load the FPGA bitstream from the specified file. This is required only once after powering the bladeRF on. If the FPGA is already loaded, this argument is ignored, unless 'fpga-reload=1' is specified. *Argument: fpga-reload=1 Notes: Force the FPGA to be reloaded. Requires fpga= to be provided to have any effect. Argument: buffers= Notes: Number of sample buffers to use. Increasing this value may alleviate transient timeouts, with the trade-off of added latency. This must be greater than the 'transfers' parameter. Default=32 Argument: buflen= Notes: Length of a sample buffer, in *samples* (not bytes). This must be a multiple of 1024. Default=4096 Argument: transfers= Notes: Number of in-flight sample buffer transfers. Defaults to one half of the 'buffers' count. Argument: stream_timeout_ms= Notes: Specifies the timeout for the underlying sample stream. Default=3000. *Argument: loopback= Note: Configure the device for the specified loopback mode (disabled, baseband, or RF). See the libbladeRF documentation for descriptions of these available options: none, bb_txlpf_rxvga2, bb_txlpfk_rxlpf, bb_txvga1_rxvga2, bb_txvga1_rxlpf, rf_lna1, rf_lna2, rf_lna3. The default mode is 'none'. *Argument: verbosity= Notes: Controls the verbosity of output written to stderr from libbladeRF. The available options, from least to most verbose are: silent, critical, error, warning, info, debug, verbose. The default level is determined by libbladeRF.