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[Demexp-dev] Interface between OCaml and Cduce

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] Interface between OCaml and Cduce
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:07:52 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hello Serge,

As we agree on phone, here is the interface between OCaml and CDuce. I
think the file is self explanatory. I tried to make the structures as
simple as possible for you. Let me know of any issue or error I might
have done.

Each hash table is indexed by the respective question, tag or
participant identifiers (i.e. XML <... id="..">).

The next_id parts are skipped. I think I will erase them from the DTD

The save part is probably not the most optimal, but it is a first try.

There is no hurry, take your time. :)

(* interface between OCaml and CDuce to load/save XML files.
   version: 2004-11-01 *)

type participant_kind = 
  | Delegate

type participant = {
    kind : participant_kind;
    login : string;
    password : string;
    groups : string list;

type response = {
    r_id : int;
    r_desc : string;
    r_author : string;
    r_link : string option;

type vote = {
    voter : int;
    choices : int list;

type question = {
    q_desc : string;
    q_author : string;
    limit_date : string;
    responses : response list;
    votes : vote list;
    elected : int list;

type xml_content = {
    version : string;

    participants : (int, participant) Hashtbl.t;
     (* participant_id -> participant *)

    tags : (int, string) Hashtbl.t;
     (* tag_id -> label *)

    questions : (int, question) Hashtbl.t;
     (* question_id -> question *)

    (* no classification right now *)

(* usage: let xml = load_xml_demexp "path/to/file" in *)
val load_xml_demexp : string -> xml_content

(* usage: save_xml_demexp "path/to/file" xml *)
val save_xml_demexp : string -> xml_content -> unit

pub  1024D/A3AD7A2A 2004-10-03 David MENTRE <address@hidden>
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