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[Demexp-dev] designing XML format for demexp bases

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] designing XML format for demexp bases
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 17:49:39 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hello demexpers,

I'm currently designing the XML format for DemExp. I've raised up the
priority for this task as having a manipulable saving format is crucial
if we want to make more than a few tests.

You'll find below a sample of demexp database in XML format. I tried to
follow advices found on the Net but I would like to have your
opinion. The format is machine readable but it should also speak to a
human reader.

Some tags might not speak to you as they are related to demexp
internals. The main issue I have is between the use of attributes and
elements, i.e. should I use <element attribute="2"> </element> or
<element><attribute>2</attribute> </element>? I tried to use common
sense but I might be wrong.

The naming of tags is also important. If you have any advice...

If you are under Debian, you can use nxml-mode package to have a good
XML mode under Emacs.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


    <participant kind="individual"> <!-- or "delegate" -->


    <entry>   <!-- or should I use <entry id="12"> ? -->
      <keyword>free software</keyword>
      <subkeyword>demexp </subkeyword>
      <question>Is demexp free software?</question>
      <question>Is free software compatible with business?</question>


      <delegator kind="individual">david</delegator>
      <classification domain="0110001"/>
         <!-- domain is a binary vector of keywords ids -->


      <description>Is demexp free software?</description>

      <response>   <!-- or should I use <response id="12"> ? -->

        <choice>1</choice> <!-- elements are ordered so having elements instead 
                                attributes is crucial here -->

        <delegate domain="0001001">name</delegate>

      <elected_response>1</elected_response> <!-- in case of several winners -->

 David Mentré <address@hidden>

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