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[Cp-tools-discuss] XmlDoclet preview on CVS

From: Julian Scheid
Subject: [Cp-tools-discuss] XmlDoclet preview on CVS
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 06:45:06 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204

XmlDoclet and the XSLT sheet for generating HTML are already quite
useful, you may want to take a peek...

Quick usage:

cd /path/to/gjdoc
javac all classes
mkdir htmldocs
java \
  -classpath ".:/path/to/tools.jar" \
  gnu.classpath.tools.gjdoc.Main \
  -doclet gnu.classpath.tools.doclets.xmldoclet.Driver \
  -sourcepath /path/to/classpath_or_jdk_source \
  java.lang \
  | bin/gjdocxml2html.sh - htmldocs

... will produce the docs for java.lang in directory htmldocs.

Of course this is still under heavy development. Especially the
de-facto XML DTD may change, I think about making some child nodes
become attributes in order to unify the structure and reduce output
size. Also I want to prefix all tags so that they don't share a
namespace with the HTML tags from the javadoc comments.
So please wait with the DocBook sheet, Alex. I need another day or

Don't worry Nic, frames are going to be optional in near future.
As with Standard doclet output, you'll be able to simply 'skip'
the standard index.html entry page and use index-noframes.html
instead for navigation.

Frames were no big deal to implement, and while I hate to see them
on web sites I find them quiet useful for browsing large Java

WRT those fancy CSS styles, when all functionality is implemented
on the XSLT side I will make sure that the resulting HTML looks OK
under older/exotic browsers as well.

My first goal is to create an alternative to the Standard doclet that
is equally functional and attractive from the average users perspective.
As HTML downscales quite good if done properly, this doesn't necessarily
mean that the same HTML limits functionality on old browsers.

BTW the graphical heritage tree will be optional in a future version
as well. You will then have the ability to switch to non-graphics mode
and have ASCII art generated instead of bitmaps so that even Lynx
users have no reason to complain.


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