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Re: [circle] circle future?

From: thomasV1
Subject: Re: [circle] circle future?
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 06:24:09 +0100 (MET)

Jiri wrote:

> Given the recent tactics of the RIAA, however,
> this seems much less relevant than it did only a few months ago.
> Another possibility would be to add anonymity; but freenet already does
> that, it would entail a profound re-think of the algorithms (to the
> point that it wouldn't be circle any more), and some of us may be
> uncomfortable with full anonymity anyway.

It is difficult to imagine how to make a hashtable anonymous...

However, publishing a link in a hashtable is not a copyright infringement.
All what is published is the IP a machine that claims to possess a file.
This information is only a link, and it is not sufficient to legally ensure 
that the file actually is on this machine (for example, the link could be 
a fake, published in the table by some nasty pirates).

If I run that machine, I might decide not to let everybody download the 
file, but only my family, or myself at a different location. This is called 
fair use.

How about adding a new option to circle, that would allow only trusted 
users to download my files or browse my directories? Circle already 
has a reliable way of testing identities, so only minimal changes are 

With such a system, a music pirate could only guess that a given file is
on my harddisk, by querying the hashtable. However, it would be very 
difficult for this pirate to download my file. For that, he would have to
with me and to ask me to trust him. And for that, of course, he would 
have to convince me that he is a member of my family, or that he is 
myself sitting at a different computer. 

I think this could give a hard time to the Music Pirates of America and

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