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Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

From: siiky
Subject: Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2023 12:49:50 +0000

Awesomesauce, thanks for the egg and the post! This is a smnall-ish pain point of mine too. I'm still processing the post as well, but I can tell I'll start using this frequently!

First a couple of typos: In footnote 4 it should be `call/cc` and not `call-cc`? And "its not the Scheme I reach for" :p

About question (1) of "Some open problems ...": IMO (transduce type-fold ...) is a good compromise, and it seems better to me than (type-transduce ...) though it means a tiny bit more typing. My reasoning is that (intuitively, without having looked at an impl of either) type-fold is easier to implement than type-transduce, and thus it should also be easier for someone to extend the transducers egg with their own fold+collect rather than transduce+collect. An usecase of extending the transducers egg is e.g. if I have an egg where I define a data structure foo and would like users of my egg to use transducers on (with?) foo, but without having to change the transducers egg itself.

Regarding (4) and strings: if we survived without transducers until now, I think can survive until transducers for strings until C6 too and use string->list+list-fold :) (I'm assuming UTF-8 will only become core in C6, maybe I'm wrong)

Small nitpick comment: I think it makes more sense to have either type-fold+type-collect or fold-type+collect-type. It's more common in Scheme to name type-operation so I'd give preference to that, but the other is more natural and equally good IMO.


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