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bug#70435: 30.0.50; cc-mode: <> are sometimes not reconized as parenthes

From: Herman
Subject: bug#70435: 30.0.50; cc-mode: <> are sometimes not reconized as parentheses
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 18:47:47 +0200

Hello Alan,

Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de> writes:

You've been a little less than fully explicit, but I think you're executing these commands in the *scratch* buffer. The first two lines, which are commented out in emacs-lisp-mode, are no longer commented out in C++ Mode. There is a whole line of garbage after the last end of
statement marker, the (double) semicolon on line 2.

On using ig<TAB> to insert the snippet, it is hardly surprising that CC Mode's syntactic analysis gets confused. If you first comment out those first two lines (put the region around them and do C-c C-c), then the inserted snippet appears to get the correct syntax on its template

I don't think there's a bug here. If you could show ig<TAB> producing the effect when typed inside a syntactically correct context, things might be different. Can you reproduce the effect in correct C++ code?

You're right, it seems that the example I provided wasn't the best (this issue happens with me in real code, I tried to create a minimal reproducible example).

If you delete the garbage from the scratch buffer, the bug doesn't reproduce indeed. But, if you run (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration 2) before switching to c++-mode, the issue reproduces with an empty scratch buffer. I use this setting because font-lock runs much faster this way, and I rely on the LSP server to do the "full" highlighting.

Sorry about the bad example, here are the fixed repro steps:

- put the yasnippet file (included below) into
- install yasnippet
- start emacs, scratch buffer appears
- delete the contents of the scratch buffer
- M-: (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration 2)
- M-x c++-mode
- M-x yas-minor-mode
- load snippets with "M-x yas-reload-all"
- write "ig", then press TAB to "yas-expand" the snippet
- move the cursor on the opening "<", and execute "M-x describe-char"
- notice that it will say "syntax: . which means: punctuation"
- if you edit the buffer (like add a space somewhere), and execute
describe-char again, Emacs will say "syntax: > which means: open,
matches >", so the syntax class becomes correct.


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