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bug#69457: unable to place two menu-choice widgets on same line

From: martyhiatt
Subject: bug#69457: unable to place two menu-choice widgets on same line
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:26:35 +0100

hi emacs,

not sure if this is a bug or not, i'm a widget novice, but i'd like to place 
two or more menu-choice widgets on the same line and am unable to. some other 
widgets do not enforce a newline after them, as can be seen from the example 
code in the emacs widgets manual.

is it possible to have multiple menu-choice widgets on the one line? if the 
current library doesn't allow it, would someone know how/where i might patch it?

i also noticed that i cant place any annotation string following the menu 
widgets displayed value (see the commented argument to the :format function 
below, if included the binding appears after a newline). i did some poking 
around and realized it is the one issue.

i'm not sure, but i suspect the issue is with the rendering of the item widget 
(the children), not the menu-choice widget.

some example code i have:

(defun lem-ui-return-item-widgets (list)
  "Return a list of item widgets for each item, a string, in LIST."
  (cl-loop for x in list
           collect `(choice-item :value ,x)))

(defun lem-ui-widget-format (str &optional binding)
  "Return a widget format string for STR, its name.
BINDING is a string of a keybinding to cycle the widget's value."
  (concat "%[" (propertize str
                           'face 'lem-ui-widget-face
                           'lem-tab-stop t)
          "%]: %v"

;; then within a buffer display function:
 (widget-create 'menu-choice
                     :tag "Listing"
                     :value type
                     :args (lem-ui-return-item-widgets lem-listing-types)
                     :help-echo "Select a listing type"
                     :format (lem-ui-widget-format "Listing") ; "C-c C-c")
                     :notify (lem-ui-widget-notify-fun :sort))
(widget-create 'menu-choice
                     :tag "Sort"
                     :value sort
                     :args (lem-ui-return-item-widgets lem-sort-types)
                     :help-echo "Select a sort type"
                     :format (lem-ui-widget-format "Sort") ; "C-c C-s")
                     :notify (lem-ui-widget-notify-fun :listing-type))


the two widgets appear on separate lines.

also asked on online, to no avail: 


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