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bug#59669: 29.0.50; ; ; ; ###foo-autoloads included in package's autoloa

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#59669: 29.0.50; ; ; ; ###foo-autoloads included in package's autoloads file
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 21:53:02 -0800

On 11/28/2022 8:30 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
Package: Emacs
Version: 29.0.50

The new handling of autoloads seems to have an unintended side effect:
When I install for example the `rudel` package from GNU ELPA, the
`rudel-autoloads.el` file created in
includes things like:

     ;;; Generated autoloads from rudel-backend.el
(eieio-defclass-autoload 'rudel-backend-factory 'nil "\
     rudel-backend" "Factory class that holds an object for each known 
backend\ncategory. Objects manage backend implementation for one backend\ncategory each.")
     (defmacro rudel--with-memoization (place &rest code) (declare (indent 1) 
(debug t)) (gv-letplace (getter setter) place `(or ,getter ,(macroexp-let2 nil val 
(macroexp-progn code) `(progn ,(funcall setter val) ,val)))))
     (cl-defmethod rudel-get-factory ((this (subclass rudel-backend-factory)) 
category) "\
     Return the factory responsible for CATEGORY.
     If there is no responsible factory, create one and return it." 
(rudel--with-memoization (gethash category (eieio-oref-default this 'factories)) 
(make-instance 'rudel-backend-factory)))

but if you look at `rudel-backends.el` you'll see that this comes from:
things like:

     (defmacro rudel--with-memoization (place &rest code)
       (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
       (gv-letplace (getter setter) place
         `(or ,getter
              ,(macroexp-let2 nil val (macroexp-progn code)
                    ,(funcall setter val)

Where those `;;;###rudel-autoload` are used by Rudel's GNUmakefile to
build a `rudel-loaddefs.el` file (included in the tarball) but are not
supposed to make their way to `rudel-autoloads.el`.

I think I may have fixed this in bug#65023. Could you try again with Emacs 29.2 (or later)?

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