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bug#67615: [PATCH v7] Add option Info-url-alist

From: Mekeor Melire
Subject: bug#67615: [PATCH v7] Add option Info-url-alist
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 01:43:04 +0000

2024-01-20 09:23 eliz@gnu.org:

> What about the case where the HTML docs are produced with one file per
> node? doesn't Texinfo create in that case directories that are named
> like the manual, but without the .html extension?

I tested this and found out that Texinfo does not create directories for
each node in that case.

The reason why after omitting the .html-suffix gnu.org still serves the
html-manual is its web-server configuration. This was confirmed to me
via IRC in the #gnu channel on libera.chat server.

Attached is a new version of that patch with following changes:

- Let Info-url-for-node skip whitespace and newlines between closing
  parenthesis and node-name. This mimics Texinfo as can be traced here:


  It also makes Info-url-for-node work with the string that is put into
  kill-ring with the Info-copy-current-node-name command which uses a

- Do not use a .html suffix, neither in the default value for the new
  Info-url-alist, nor in the %e format-thing that can be in user-defined
  values of it. Users still can add a ".html" suffix themselves, if the
  respective web-server does not support omitting it.

- More tests, including manuals in all relevant directories and formats
  and "special" characters.

Attachment: 0001-Add-option-Info-url-alist.patch
Description: Text Data

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