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bug#67736: 30.0.50; emacsclient.desktop fails with quoting-related error

From: Mekeor Melire
Subject: bug#67736: 30.0.50; emacsclient.desktop fails with quoting-related error
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 11:14:25 +0000

2023-12-10 08:17 eliz@gnu.org:

> Why does emacsclient exit with a failure in that case?  When I try
> invoking emacsclient from the shell prompt, it exits with a zero exit
> status, not with a failure.

Invoking emacsclient from shell prompt directly, works just fine for me
too. Supposedly, it's not emacsclient that exists with failure but the
sh command mentioned below.

> What is the command that is run with the current emacsclient.desktop
> file?

Unfortunately, I don't know which command xdg-open tries to execute
exactly. But the configuration (in Emacs' emacsclient.desktop) is this:

    Exec=sh -c "if [ -n \\"\\$*\\" ]; then exec emacsclient
    --alternate-editor= --display=\\"\\$DISPLAY\\" \\"\\$@\\"; else exec
    emacsclient --alternate-editor= --create-frame; fi" sh %F


Note that the Exec key of .desktop files has very complicated quoting


By the way, I found a recent bug report on the Github website of the
Telegram-Desktop repository that mentions the same problem that I'm


Actually, I have the feeling that this is a bug in xdg-utils. I will
file a bug report there.

In the mean time, should we work-around this bug by just using this or
something similar?:

    Exec=emacsclient --alternate-editor= --create-frame %F

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