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bug#67665: 30.0.50; ispell-complete-word only suggests proper nouns

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#67665: 30.0.50; ispell-complete-word only suggests proper nouns
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 21:57:02 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.13.0

Testing the new completion function using ispell, I've noticed the
following problem. It's also easily reproducible on my system with
'M-x ispell-complete-word'.

Only proper nouns (words originally capitalized in the dicitonary) are suggested.


1. Type 'aard', then 'M-x ispell-complete-word'.
2. No completions.

1. Type 'Az', then 'M-x ispell-complete-word'.
2. The full completions list starts with "Azana" and ends with
"Aztlan's", with no "azimuth" in the list. Only geographic names in

The full dictionary does contain the worth "azimuth", btw:

  (member "azimuth" (ispell-lookup-words ""))
  ;; => ("azimuth" "azimuth's" "azimuths" "azure" "azure's" ...


  (member "azimuth" (ispell-lookup-words "a*"))
  ;; => ("azimuth" "azimuth's" "azimuths" "azure" "azure's" ...


  (member "azimuth" (ispell-lookup-words "a"))
  ;; => nil

So it looks like the problem is in the use of the "look" program.
/usr/share/dict/words (on my current system, at least) is sorted so that
"a" comes after "Z", not after "A".

Could be a distribution bug (is dict supposed to be generated compatibly
with 'look'?) Otherwise, it seems best to avoid using 'look' altogether.

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