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bug#67527: 30.0.50; FR: Add an option to disable ispell completion in te

From: Eason Huang
Subject: bug#67527: 30.0.50; FR: Add an option to disable ispell completion in text-mode
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:46:20 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Eshel Yaron <me@eshelyaron.com> writes:

> Eason Huang <aqua0210@foxmail.com> writes:
>> Eshel Yaron <me@eshelyaron.com> writes:
>>> Eason Huang, IIUC, you've globally set up your completion selection UI
>>> to pop up automatically.  Before this commit, there were no completion
>>> sources for text modes OOTB, so your global setting was equivalent in
>>> practice to something that only affects non-text mode buffers, and that
>>> was fine.  Is that correct?
>> No. It's correct on the text file (.txt), but not in org-mode
>> files. Because org-mode also derived from text-mode.
>> ...
>>> If so, my suggestion would be to change your global autocomplete setting
>>> such that it doesn't apply for text buffers, seeing as you don't seem to
>>> want such automatic behavior in these buffers, instead of disabling the
>>> completion source.
>>> So I'm not sure another user option is due here.  I think your
>>> workaround is fine, if that works for you, of course.  But you could
>>> just as well say `(setq-local corfu-auto nil)` in that hook, no?
>> No. I need (setq-local corfu-auto t) on org-buffer
> Sure, and you can do that.  Again, whatever solution works best for
> you.  I just highlighted that the behavior that you want to avoid
> seems to be a consequence of a global setting that you don't in fact
> want to apply it in all buffers.  Makes sense?

Maybe I don't make myself clear!

1. I do confirm that I need to enable corfu-auto in org-mode, and it is
useful in code block such as the belwo code in org buffer:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; input some code here will get auto completion
(message "Hello")

2. It's not a good idear to add `ispell-completion-at-point` to
`completion-at-point-functions` by default.

3. Anyway, I can use the below code to rollback to the behavior before
the commit.
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (remove-hook 'completion-at-point-functions
            'ispell-completion-at-point t)))

If you decide that no need to add an option to prevent adding
`ispell-completion-at-point` to completion-at-point-functions by
default, feel free to closed this bug report
(It's not a bug, I just want to provide some advice from a user view).

Best Regards,
Eason Huang

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