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bug#66604: [PATCH] Gud LLDB completions

From: Mattias Engdegård
Subject: bug#66604: [PATCH] Gud LLDB completions
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 15:37:30 +0200

Thank you! Maybe it's my old lldb version (lldb-1300.0.42.3, from Apple), but:

  (lldb) script --language python -- def ff(): print("hello")

completes without error but somehow isn't evaluated properly (or in another 
namespace?) because:

  (lldb) script --language python -- ff()
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  NameError: name 'ff' is not defined

In contrast, evaluating expressions:

  (lldb) script --language python -- abc = 123
  (lldb) script --language python -- print(abc)

works as expected.

This means that gud-lldb-def-python-completion-function doesn't define 
gud_complete properly. However, if I change it to run in interactive mode:

 (defvar gud-lldb-def-python-completion-function
-   "script --language python -- "
+   "script --language python --\n"
    "def gud_complete(c): "
    "ci = lldb.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter(); "
    "sl = lldb.SBStringList(); "
@@ -3948,7 +3948,8 @@ gud-lldb-def-python-completion-function
    "print('gud-completions: ('); "
    "[print(f'\"{sl.GetStringAtIndex(i)}\" ') "
    "  for i in range(sl.GetSize())]; "
-   "print(')')")
+   "print(')')"
+   "\n\nexit()")
   "LLDB command to define a Python function for completion.
 Must be a single line.")

then it works. (This means that it no longer needs to be a single line and can 
use indentation and stuff.)

Another thing that is a bit annoying with the new lldb support is that every 
command sent to lldb is echoed:

  (lldb) b exec_byte_code
  b exec_byte_code           <--- echo
  Breakpoint 1: where = emacs`exec_byte_code ...

Surely that wasn't intended?

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