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bug#66050: Making perl-mode.el obsolete

From: Harald Jörg
Subject: bug#66050: Making perl-mode.el obsolete
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:33:02 +0000

Mauro Aranda <maurooaranda@gmail.com> writes:

> On 24/9/23 19:21, Harald Jörg wrote:
>> Mauro Aranda <maurooaranda@gmail.com> writes:
>>> In addition to what Jens Schmidt said, I can add that:
>>> 1. If I have something like:
>>> my $some_code = "";
>>> $some_code.= q(
>>> my $counter = 0;
>>> );
>>> If I put point at column 0 of the line "my $counter", and hit TAB, I get
>>> indentation in perl-mode.  I don't in cperl-mode.  I tried to look into
>>> options for making this work but I couldn't find anything.
>> I consider the behavior of perl-mode to be a bug.
>> Whatever is within the parens of  q(...) is a string, and will be
>> assigned to the variable $some_code.  By "indenting", perl-mode changes
>> the value of $some_code by adding spaces.  In my opinion, indenting
>> should change the optical layout, but not the code!
> I might be completely wrong about this, but I have the feeling that
> TAB behaves differently because in perl-mode I see TAB is bound to
> indent-for-tab-command (this is not in emacs -Q, just in case it has
> something to do with that).
> So, TAB is not really indenting (as I said originally, sorry), but
> adding a TAB character upon request.  And yes, in this case I want to
> change the code, so TAB is not doing anything incorrect here, I think.

I apologize!  I made a mistake here: I am so addicted to
cperl-tab-always-indent (t by default) that it didn't occur to me to
even *try* to insert a tab character!

And indeed, cperl-mode does not insert a tab character.  Even if
cperl-tab-always-indent is nil, it doesn't insert a character if point
is in the left margin.  This is documented in the docstring of

This behavior of cperl-mode is weird and it makes sense to find a way to
make <tab> insert a tab character.

(A workaround is <C-q> <tab>, but that isn't convincing)

>>> 2. While I'm typing the above string, I get messages about string/RE not
>>> found:
>>> End of ‘q( ... )’ string/RE not found: (scan-error Unbalanced
>>> parentheses 1092 1874)
>>> End of ‘q( ... )’ string/RE not found: (scan-error Unbalanced
>>> parentheses 1092 1918) [2 times]
>>> End of ‘q( ... )’ string/RE not found: (scan-error Unbalanced
>>> parentheses 1092 1962) [2 times]
>>> That's annoying.
>> The message is technically correct, and generally I consider the ability
>> of cperl-mode to locate syntax errors useful.  But I understand that it
>> can be annoying while you're typing (I myself don't see these messages
>> because I use paredit-mode, but I understand that not everyone wants
>> this electricity).  I guess that a way to optionally suppress these
>> messages can be found.
> Sure is correct, but I'm used to see messages like those when I have
> really screwed up (typically editing an elisp file and making
> forward-sexp fail).  Not while I'm typing.  To me, it feels better to
> have kind of a visual indication, like when you are entering a string
> and everything fontifies as a string so you are reminded you better
> close it.

I agree.

Stefan Monnier has suggested how this could be handled in his reply, and
I think this would be an improvement to cperl-mode in general
(independent of using it as a replacement for perl-mode).

>>> So far, my settings for getting a perl-mode experience in cperl-mode,
>>> with emacs -Q: (taken from a custom file):
>>> '(cperl-highlight-variables-indiscriminately t)
>>> '(cperl-indent-level 4)
>>> '(cperl-indent-parens-as-block t)
>>> '(cperl-invalid-face 'default)
>> ,>
>>> '(cperl-array-face ((t (:inherit cperl-hash-face))))
>>> '(cperl-hash-face ((t (:underline t :inherit
>>> font-lock-variable-name-face))))
>>> '(cperl-nonoverridable-face ((t (:inherit default))))
>> Thanks for collecting this!
> You're welcome.  I'm still trying to figure out if there are more
> settings to tweak.  Together with the settings that need to be added for
> a smooth perl-mode -> cperl-mode transition, they could be placed in a
> cperl-perl-mode-users-asylum-theme ;-)

Yes, a custom theme seems to be the way to go.

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