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bug#65509: [PATCH] Use correct env var when opening frames with freedesk

From: Davide Masserut
Subject: bug#65509: [PATCH] Use correct env var when opening frames with freedesktop menu entries
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 16:46:30 +0200

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

Davide Masserut <dm@mssdvd.com> writes:

X DEs don't set the $WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable, so
querying for it returns an empty string.

If I run this in X:

emacsclient --alternate-editor= --display=$WAYLAND_DISPLAY .emacs.el

the following occurs.

When the --display argument is an empty string, Emacs first tries to
reuse an exiting frame and, if doesn't find one, it falls back to
open it in the same terminal. The problem arises when an instance is
launched through the DE facilities: Emacs can't use a terminal as a
fallback and therefore it opens in the background without showing the

If we decide that handling such case is not worth the trouble, an
error in system log should warn the user to use the X backend.

I don't quite follow: if neither of the display environment variables
are present, then Emacs deduces that no display server is running,
whereupon it resorts to displaying a TTY frame.

Correct. However, that TTY is occupied by the X window manager, which hides the Emacs interface.

When the argument of --display doesn't exits or is empty, should we check if $DISPLAY is present in the environment and use its value?

When PGTK is enabled, we could check $WAYLAND_DISPLAY and then $DISPLAY before resorting to displaying the frame in a terminal or in a TTY.

I tested this with Gnome and i3, both started from a TTY using startx. I'm not sure how this behaves when using a display manager.

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