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bug#65551: 29.1; Eshell on MS-Windows using plink: 'plink' is not recogn

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#65551: 29.1; Eshell on MS-Windows using plink: 'plink' is not recognized as an internal or external command...
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 11:48:36 -0700

On 8/27/2023 10:50 AM, Michael Albinus wrote:
First I try to understand the scenario Eshell is using. If Eshell has
changed to a remote directory, and a command like "./test.sh" is called,
I would expect a synchronous process. But this doesn't seem to be the case:

   tramp-file-name-handler(make-process :name "test.sh" :buffer #<killed buffer> :command 
("/home/username/test.sh") :filter eshell-output-filter :sentinel eshell-sentinel 
:connection-type nil :stderr nil :file-handler t)
   eshell-external-command("./test.sh" nil)

`make-process' is called, an asynchronous process. Is this intended? Has
this been changed since Emacs 28?

Yeah, that's intended. A couple of things did change in Emacs 29, but Eshell has always used an asynchronous process here. The goal is for the process to be only partially synchronous: Eshell will wait until the process is done before proceeding (e.g. to emit the next prompt), but it also wants to be async so that you can do other things in Emacs while waiting for the process to complete.

Second, I've played a little bit on MS Windows. I haven't installed
Emacs 29 there, just an Emacs git master checkout. And plink is not in
the PATH of my MINGW64 bash shell, so I'm using sshx. But everything
works under this constellation:

I'm using sshx locally to test this, and can reproduce the issue. Maybe your MINGW64 configuration is smoothing over the bug for you. When I tested this, I started from the MS-Windows "cmd.exe" and ran "emacs -Q", with "ssh.exe" in my PATH.

In Emacs 28, this worked fine, but it regressed in 29. I believe this is due to commit cee1cbfd54375cdece23d4741ced6b0c7091f6d9, which changes how Eshell manages its PATH env var.

I think what Eshell would want here is to set its environment variables *only* for the subprocess it creates via 'make-process'. For local subprocesses, I don't think we need to do anything fancy, but for the remote case, we'd need a way to say "use the original process-environment for all the Tramp code, but use this new process-environment for the actual subprocess". Maybe there's already a way to do this, or maybe we need to add some new powers to 'make-process' or something...

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