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bug#65431: 30.0.50; pcomplete should not quote everything in a file name

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#65431: 30.0.50; pcomplete should not quote everything in a file name
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:51:27 -0700

On 8/21/2023 7:10 AM, Michael Albinus wrote:

- emacs -Q -l tramp --eval "(tramp-change-syntax 'separate)" -f eshell

- Type "cd /[ssh/localho TAB"

- This expands to "cd /[ssh/localhost\]"

Due to the quoted right square bracket, the cd command fails. pcomplete
should be taught to not quote everything in a file name.

I believe the problem is actually the *left* square bracket. Both square brackets should be quoted; otherwise, [...] gets treated as a glob. I'm a little surprised that the tab-completion even works here; I guess it's more forgiving than it should be. However, if you type "cd /\[ssh/loca TAB", it should work correctly.

I see a couple of options:

1) Could Pcomplete fix the unquoted "[" for us? *Should* it?

2) I see that Pcomplete fails if you try to quote the whole file name, like "cd '/[ssh:loca TAB". Maybe we should fix that. Then users could rely on quoting with ' or " to escape the special glob characters instead.

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