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bug#65344: 28.2; Unable to Edebug cl-flet form which uses argument destr

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: bug#65344: 28.2; Unable to Edebug cl-flet form which uses argument destructuring
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2023 10:08:24 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.14.0

On 18.08.23 08:43, Gerd Möllmann wrote:
On 18.08.23 07:58, Michael Heerdegen wrote:
Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes:

which I would naively expect to be suitable for a single function in
an flet/labels.  (Maybe without the (setf ...) case, I'm not sure

That's correct, but only one part.

RIght, that's what I meant.

Do you perhaps have an insight why there are two &name in the flet

Eh - not really.  That's some internal magic - to correctly associate
the code with the function names or something like that, I guess.

Ok. It's probably not important.

Also naively asked, what does the &or in the flet case mean?  Does it
say that that the elements of the flet can either be symbols or

There is a second syntax to support: a function binding can also have
the syntax (fname EXPR) instead of (fname args body...).  EXPR can be a
lambda expression but also any arbitrary Lisp returning a function

(Another nominee for the most obscure feature of the month.  That's also not in CL, BTW.)

When I try something like

(cl-flet (y (x (lambda () 1)))

I get a not-a-list error from the Y.  That's kind of what I'm wondering.  The debug declaratino for flet has the symbolp at the same level as the local-function &define.

And, if that's the problem, the next question would then be how to declare a binding (FN VALUE).  Maybe (%define &name ... <something>)?

The Elisp manual has very nice description of debug specs, indeed.
It's under Elisp > Edebug > Edebug and Macros > Specification Lists.
From that description, I think this is the right debug spec for flet (patch attached)

(debug ((&rest [&or (&define [&name symbolp "@cl-flet@"]
                        [&name [] gensym] ;Make it unique!
                        [&optional ("interactive" interactive)]
                    (&define [&name symbolp "@cl-flet@"]
                        [&name [] gensym] ;Make it unique!

The second &define is for the (FN EXPR) bindings. It comes after the &define for "normal" function bindings because because, for some reason, apparently the second &define also matches the other case. (The description in the Elisp manual, BTW, also explain what the duplicate name does, although I'm not sure why it is done here, because the names of the local functions should be unique already. I'm probably overlooking something.)

Seems to work for me.  WDYT?

Attachment: flet.patch
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