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bug#65196: 28.2; gnus-group-make-nnir-group always returns "no messages"

From: Loris Bennett
Subject: bug#65196: 28.2; gnus-group-make-nnir-group always returns "no messages"
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:21:42 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Loris Bennett <loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de> writes:

> Loris Bennett <loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de> writes:
>> Loris Bennett <loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de> writes:
>>> Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>>>> "Loris Bennett" <loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de> writes:
>>>>> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
>>>>>>> From: Loris Bennett <loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de>
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:48:53 +0200
>>>>>>> After upgrading Debian from 11 to 12, gnus-group-make-nnir-group always
>>>>>>> says that the search group contains no messages, even though there are
>>>>>>> in fact messages in the original group which contain the string searched
>>>>>>> for.
>>>>>>> In *Messages* somethin like the following will appear:
>>>>>>>   Opening server fu_exchange
>>>>>>>   Searching nnimap+fu_exchange:HPC...done
>>>>>>>   Group nnselect:nnselect-87jzu3z7wb.fsf contains no messages
>>>>>>> The configuration in init.el is as follows:
>>>>>>>   (setq user-mail-address "loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de")
>>>>>>>   (setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
>>>>>>>   (setq smtpmail-smtp-server "mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de")
>>>>>>>   (setq smtpmail-smtp-service 587)
>>>>>>>   (setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "news.fu-berlin.de"))
>>>>>>>   (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
>>>>>>>         (quote
>>>>>>>          ((nnimap "fu_exchange"
>>>>>>>                   (nnir-search-engine imap)
>>>>>>>                   (remove-prefix "nnimap")
>>>>>>>                   (nnimap-address "mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de")
>>>>>>>                   (nnimap-record-commands t)
>>>>>>>                   (nnimap-inbox INBOX)
>>>>>>>                   (gnus-message-archive-group 
>>>>>>> "nnimap+fu_exchange:Gesendete Elemente")))))
>>>>>>> The same problem occurs with nntp groups (not configured in this test).
>>>>>>> Unfortunately that is all the information I can provide, although I can
>>>>>>> see that it is probably insufficient to identify the problem.
>>>>>> Andrew, any comments?  Is this perhaps already fixed in Emacs 29?
>>>>> Further investigation reveal that this is not a general issue, but is
>>>>> related to the specific select methods.
>>>>> For my work setup I actually have, in addition to the settings above
>>>>>   (nntp "fu_news"
>>>>>         (nntp-address "news.fu-berlin.de")
>>>>>   (remove-prefix nntp)
>>>>>   (gnus-message-archive-group "nnimap+fu_exchange:Gesendete Elemente"))) 
>>>>> Searching in newgroups subscribe to via the above also always returns no
>>>>> messages.
>>>>> However, in my private setup I have various email providers, such as GMX:
>>>>>          (nnimap "gmx"
>>>>>                   (nnimap-stream tls)
>>>>>                   (remove-prefix "nnimap.")
>>>>>                   (nnimap-record-commands t)
>>>>>                   (nnimap-address "imap.gmx.com"))
>>>>> If I add this to my work setup, search results within folders in the GMX
>>>>> account *do* produce results.  Searching within the Exchange folder or the
>>>>> NNTP groups still fails. 
>>>>> Is there anything I can do to help debug the problem?
>>>> For the exchange server, you should just remove the `nnir-search-engine`
>>>> setting from the definition, it should work find by default.
>>>> I don't believe search works for nntp at all -- did it used to?
>>> Hmm, perhaps you are right.  Maybe it never did.  It certainly doesn't
>>> work on a third laptop with Emacs 27.1.  Perhaps I am just confusing
>>> newsgroups and mailing lists (and mailing list posing as newsgroups via
>>> Gmane) and it was actually just working for the mailing lists.
>>> With init.el containing just
>>> (setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "news.fu-berlin.de"))
>>> (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
>>>       (quote
>>>        ((nnimap "gmx"
>>>                 (nnimap-stream tls)
>>>                 (nnimap-address "imap.gmx.com"))
>>>     (nnimap "fu_exchange"
>>>                 (nnimap-stream tls)
>>>             (nnimap-address "mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de")))))
>>> (custom-set-variables
>>>  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
>>>  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>>>  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>>>  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>>>  '(gnus-verbose 10))
>>> (custom-set-faces
>>>  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
>>>  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>>>  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>>>  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>>>  )
>>> Searching within the GMX mailbox works but not in a newsgroup and the
>>> Exchange mailbox.  The following is shown in *Messages*:
>>> Opening server gmx
>>> Searching nnimap+gmx:Family...done
>>> Fetching headers for nnselect:nnselect-871qg4g5d5.fsf...
>>> nnimap read 0k from imap.gmx.com
>>> Fetching headers for nnselect:nnselect-871qg4g5d5.fsf...done
>>> Sorting threads...done
>>> Generating summary...done
>>> Retrieving newsgroup: nnselect:nnselect-87zg2seqsg.fsf...
>>> Opening server fu_exchange
>>> Searching nnimap+fu_exchange:HPC...done
>>> Group nnselect:nnselect-87zg2seqsg.fsf contains no messages
>>> previous-line: Beginning of buffer
>>> Retrieving newsgroup: nnselect:nnselect-87y1iceqsc.fsf...
>>> nnselect-run: gnus-search-run-query on ((search-query-spec (query . emacs) 
>>> (raw)) (search-group-spec (nntp:news.fu-berlin.de comp.emacs))) gave error 
>>> (gnus-search-config-error gnus-search-config-error No search engine 
>>> configured for nntp:news.fu-berlin.de)
>>> Group nnselect:nnselect-87y1iceqsc.fsf contains no messages
>>> So I seem to be missing a search engine for the newsgroup, but as we
>>> have established, that probably never worked.  However, the search in
>>> the Exchange mailbox just fails without further information, and that
>>> definitely did used to work.
>> Apparently Exchange does not like the character set being used.  This is
>> the error message that Exchange generates:
>> specified charset is not supported."
>> I don't quite understand the error, as I would not think US-ASCII was a
>> bad charset.  I assume it is more likely that my using a locale with
>>   LANG=en_US.utf8
>> might be the problem.  This may have been different before I updated
>> Debian.
>> If I search for a string such as "Bestätigung" in a folder belonging to
>> the GMX mail box, this also erroneously produces an empty result set.
>> So it looks like it is not an actually problem with Gnus as such.
> The problem seems to have been resolved by Eric here:
>   https://www.mail-archive.com/info-gnus-english@gnu.org/msg14117.html
> This works for me.
> Did the change make it into Gnus?

I see that the change is in Emacs 29, so this issue can be closed.



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