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bug#64868: 29.1; C-x O binding suggestion for (other-window -1)

From: Van Ly
Subject: bug#64868: 29.1; C-x O binding suggestion for (other-window -1)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 06:46:30 GMT

When there are three or more windows in a frame C-x o runs the command
other-window.  Wanting to goto the previous window the keybinding for
that is not obvious.  C-x p is a keymap prefix for project related work.

May I suggest to make possible the binding C-x O for (other-window -1)
as follows

 (kbd "C-x O") 
 #'(lambda ()
     "Previous window."
     (other-window -1)))

Use case to demonstrate idea suggested

 1. run, emacs -Q -nw --color=no
 2. create three windows in one frame
 3. when wanting to goto the prev window, C-x o runs the command other-window 
that goes the long way around
 4. C-x O that runs the command (other-window -1) improves the life quality 

The *Messages* buffer says

 C-x o (translated from C-x O) runs the command other-window

Similarly if C-j behaves like C-m in the dired buffer to run the command 
dired-find-file that feels better.

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