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bug#64547: `show-paren-mode` thinks that a paren is offscreen in `M-:` w

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#64547: `show-paren-mode` thinks that a paren is offscreen in `M-:` when it isn't
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 17:17:38 +0300

> From: Stephen Berman <stephen.berman@gmx.net>
> Cc: Okamsn <okamsn@protonmail.com>,  64547@debbugs.gnu.org
> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:26:34 +0200
> 0. emacs -Q
> 1. M-x customize-option show-paren-style RET.  Choose "mixed" from the
>    Value Menu and set for current session.
> 2. M-x customize-option show-paren-context-when-offscreen RET.  Choose
>    "In overlay" from the Value Menu and set for current session.
> 3. M-x customize-option line-spacing RET.  Choose "Number" from the
>    Value Menu, enter 0.06 or greater and set for current session.
> 4. M-: ()
> => On typing ")" the "Eval: " prompt vanishes, the string "(" is
>    displayed with a hollow box over it, followed directly by the string
>    "()" with a cyan background.  Typing DEL to delete the final ")"
>    displays the "Eval: " prompt again, the "(" with a hollow box over it
>    vanishes, and the remaining "(" has no cyan overlay.  Typing any
>    characters and then ")" at the end again makes the prompt vanishes,
>    "(" with the hollow box and the cyan overlay return.  Lather, rinse,
>    repeat...

Thanks, should be fixed now on the emacs-29 branch.

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