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bug#64226: 30.0.50; emacs-lisp-native-compile-and-load permission error

From: No Wayman
Subject: bug#64226: 30.0.50; emacs-lisp-native-compile-and-load permission error
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2023 15:14:16 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.11.7; emacs 30.0.50

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

perhaps you could describe how to
reproduce starting from "emacs -Q" (and loading any packages or
features you need for the minimal reproduction recipe). The way you were showing the problem until now obviously depends on your local setup, which is impossible to reproduce without knowing the details.

The instructions I gave here:


reproduce the error on my end from emacs -Q with a minimal file.
To be crystal clear:

1. Save the following file to $HOME/test.el (or any path where the user has write permissions):

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun +test () (message "PASS"))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

2. emacs -Q $HOME/test.el
3. M-x emacs-lisp-native-compile-compile-and-load
4. Error is printed to message buffer.

I'm not sure how I can meaningfully pare it down from there.

The main aspect of this which is completely unclear is: how come Emacs tries to write in the /usr/lib tree when compiling Lisp files from your home directory. This is not supposed to happen: Emacs should write to the eln-cache subdirectory of your ~/.emacs.d/ directory.

That makes sense to me and I agree.
It looks like the critical path is in the file `comp-spill-lap-function' method. The comp-ctxt-output slot is set to (car (last native-comp-eln-load-path)).

I don't know enough about the native-comp machinery to say whether or not this is the appropriate solution, but let-binding `native-compile-target-directory' to the car of native-comp-eln-load-path in emacs-lisp-native-compile-and-load compiles in the correct directory and avoids the error:

(defun emacs-lisp-native-compile-and-load ()
"Native-compile synchronously the current file (if it has changed).
Load the compiled code when finished.

Use `emacs-lisp-byte-compile-and-load' in combination with
`native-comp-jit-compilation' set to t to achieve asynchronous
native compilation."
 (interactive nil emacs-lisp-mode)
 (let ((byte+native-compile t)
(native-compile-target-directory (car native-comp-eln-load-path))
       (byte-to-native-output-buffer-file nil))
   (when-let ((eln (native-compile buffer-file-name)))
(load (file-name-sans-extension (comp-write-bytecode-file eln))))))

I'll leave the work of a proper patch to someone who is more familiar with the system.

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