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bug#62029: 29.0.60; Allow users to customize eldoc buffer separator

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#62029: 29.0.60; Allow users to customize eldoc buffer separator
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 02:26:03 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.9.0

On 14/04/2023 02:01, João Távora wrote:
Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> writes:

What is the reason to have a special value for Elisp again?
Try to take it out and see for yourself.  It'd be a good test.

That's what I did, hence the report.

You lost me.  What did you do exactly?  I'm assuming you:

1. Applied the patch I gave to Yuan Fu
2. Set only eldoc-documentation-strategy to eldoc-documentation-compose

Pretty much. If I also did 3 (change the value of eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p in emacs-lisp-mode only), I wouldn't be able to reproduce most of the problematic behavior described previously.

And you liked the result with no problems?  If so, that's a good
datapoint.  You will have seen "bouncing" of the echo area, I presume.

I'm still vague on what your patch to elisp-mode.el does, but at least I'm not seeing any particular breakage.

Anyway, from what I remember, Elisp and "we've always done it this
way" has been used as an argument for not changing the default. But
nobody stated that Elisp is different from most other modes, and thus
should have forced settings different from the default.

There could be a misunderstanding here.  Note that the default for
eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p _is_ practically "show a lot of lines if
need be".  Whoever added it added it like so.  But it just so happens
that Elisp has "forever" only ever produced a single line of doc to the
echo area.  And that remains today, _unless_ e-d-strategy is set to

So there are and have been conflicting settings for a long time.

In theory, yes.

in de facto an exception.

Do we have some sort of statistics or overview on that issue? E.g. if we take only eldoc functions that are relatively old-ish (crossing out lsp-mode and eglot, I mean).

So a decision has to be made on what we really want for Elisp's echo
area.  If that decision is "yes, we Elisp users, override the default
e-e-a-use-multiline-p", then it must somehow be recorded in code (hook
or not, I don't care).  If the decision is "OK, we accept a little
bouncing to 2-3 lines as per the e-e-a-u-multiline-p we have" then
nothing needs to change.

This is something to ask the users, I think. Maybe by trying an experiment at some point.

Of course, in this argument I'm assuming that changing
eldoc-documentation-strategy to eldoc-documentation-compose is a good
thing, even a very good thing.  But even if it is just an "average"
thing for a couple of fanboys it shouldn't be blocked by the Elisp

In the latter case, I would say that it probably should. But if we can streamline things for the enjoyment of everybody, that would be better.

But this is all possibly too complicated.  I do think that just
     (setq-local eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p 1)
In Elisp-mode's major-mode function would have absolutely minimal
impact.  It's a great time to experiment in master.

At the moment people who don't like the default can easily change it
across modes. Setting the var in elisp-mode would change that.

What person with exactly what wishes are you describing.  Can you give
an example?  What does that user want to do that he does today, but
won't be able tomorrow if we install this change.

I imagine you or Yuan, or somebody with similar expectations but not either of you exactly would customize eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p to 4, for example. And eldoc-documentation-strategy - to eldoc-documentation-compose.

Or, if we change the default value of eldoc-documentation-strategy, someone with the diametrically opposite preferences from you would customize eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p to 1 and have that work in all modes. Or set it to 2, to have some middle ground. Etc.

And the thing with window jumping/blinking seems common enough across
the modes.
We have to define the concepts.  I thought what was hitherto called
"bouncing" merely referred to the fact that sometimes ElDoc displays 1
line, and sometimes more.  And that causes the echo are to be resized.

Let's call "bouncing" the occurrence when the windows resize,
frequently enough. In this case, due to the echo area resizing.

OK.  Though "frequently enough" is very subjective.  I'd prefer to call
"bouncing" to _any_ ElDoc-motivated resizing.

And "flickering" is when the echo area contents change, sometimes
twice per user command (first to blank, and then either to new
message, or even to the previous one).

OK.  I follow.  This has, AFAICT, been completely erradicated.  If you
still see it, please describe a reproducer.

I've described a scenario in the bug you filed (bug#62816) which uses company-mode. With a screencast. Again, in a basic default configuration of everything.

Is this concept of "bouncing" acceptable to you in elisp-mode?  Do you
think it will ever be accepted by other Emacs lisp developers that
sometimes, when standing over a symbol with both a function and variable
definition the two things will be documented in two separate lines?  I
assume it won't, thus the Elisp setting of
eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p to 1.
I suggest you put it up for the discussion on emacs-devel

I'll only bring it up if I when I gather 2 or 3 devs with a good
perspective of what ElDoc is today for Elisp and also modes other than
Elisp.  There have to be alternatives on offer, so the effort doesn't
fizzle when someone obstinately (and predictably) refuses even the
smallest echo-area resizing.  If anyone have better ideas leading to a
eldoc-documentation-strategy being e-d-compose everywhere, I'm all ears.
That's ultimately what I'm interested in, because it enables a rich
*eldoc* buffer experience by default.  Mickey's article helps explain

Personally, I'd rather people also tried to explore ways to show some of this info that doesn't put it all in Eldoc. There are a lot of examples of signature help interfaces that put it closer to the input.

But for the time being, Eldoc could be an intermediate step.

The "hover info" is fine for Eldoc OTOH, I guess.

after we ensure that the flickering and bouncing situation has

You mean only "flickering" here, right?  "Bouncing" is by design if
e-e-a-use-multiline-p is t and e-d-strategy is e-d-compose.

In particular, bouncing shouldn't happen on every user input.

I don't follow.  If it did, it'd be "flickering", according to your

I'd say bouncing is about the echo area bounds, and flickering is about the contents.

Echo area resizing is probably unavoidable when moving point between
totally different contexts

Exactly.  That's "bouncing", to me.  Is there a third concept to you?  I
hope not.

That's also "bouncing", but with a passably low frequency, in my book. Bouncing hurts the most when it happens with every button press (or close to that).

(e.g. one without a flymake error and one
with it), but at least the display should be stable while the same
things are displayed.

Of course.  Agreed.  And as far as I understand, that has always
happened (modulo flickering, which is imperceptible in TTY Emacs).

Why isn't this stuff noticeable on TTY? Lower refresh rate or something?

E.g. personally, I would perhaps prefer it there was a failover from
elisp-eldoc-funcall to elisp-eldoc-var-docstring, but that was
composed in parallel with flymake-eldoc-function, to also show the
compilation error when available. But that doesn't seem like it is
provided by any of the existing options.

Intersting.  It's trivial to do that failover function.

   (defun elisp-eldoc-failover-function-to-var (callback &rest _ignored)
     (or (elisp-eldoc-funcall callback)
         (elisp-eldoc-var-docstring callback)))

Cool. Which of the functions are used, could be decided by a pref in elisp-mode.

And for flymake, there could be a preference for how many (maximum) lines of errors to show at once.

It could be the start of an idea that doesn't require changing
e-e-a-use-multiline-p, because if you use it and don't turn on Flymake
mode (which I suspect the older crowd doesn't), then it's like nothing
ever changed: no bouncing whatsoever.

Yep. (As long as that "you" wasn't about myself in particular.)

Starting from there, we could
modify it so that this e-d-function only echoes and doesn't send
anything to the *eldoc* buffer, while elisp-eldoc-fucall and
elisp-eldoc-var-docstring to the inverse.

That reminds me of some of my older messages where I insisted the eldoc-buffer thingy should have its own separate hook. Oh well.

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