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bug#59722: 30.0.50; project-find-regexp searches project-ignored files

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#59722: 30.0.50; project-find-regexp searches project-ignored files
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 01:30:03 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.4.2

On 01/12/2022 01:20, Rudolf Adamkovič via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors wrote:

What backend are you using? If it's (most likely) project-vc, then the
variable you must be looking for is 'project-vc-ignores'.

I do use the Git (VC) backend.  Correction:

When I set the dir locals file to

     ((nil . ((project-vc-ignores . ("apps/**/*.scm")))))

I face the problem where C-x p f ignores the files in the "apps"
directory, as expected, but C-x p g does not.


I wonder how that could be possible: project-find-regexp (that if what you have 'C-x p g' bound to, right?) does the search across the files returned by 'project-files'. So there is just one place that interprets the ignores' list and produces the list of files, and both project-find-file and project-find-regexp consume the result.

Can you step through 'project-find-regexp' with edebug? Does the return value of 'project-files' (saved to 'files') contain the extra entries?

Or are you calling 'project-find-regexp' with a prefix, which switches it to a different mode (the 'project--files-in-directory' branch)?

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