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bug#43389: 28.0.50; Emacs memory leaks using hard disk all time

From: Trevor Bentley
Subject: bug#43389: 28.0.50; Emacs memory leaks using hard disk all time
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 21:43:06 +0100

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

Oh! Well, yes, it is there then. I didn't realize you can echo without going to *Messages*. It's extremely fleeting... is there some way to persist these messages?

But if GC is taking minutes, you should be seeing the first of these 2 messages sitting in the echo area for the full duration of those minutes. So how can they be so ephemeral in your case?

Yes, for the long ones I expect to see the message hang in the echo area. I was just hoping to also see when it is GC'ing in general (if it is GCi'ng in general, since it's behaving so weirdly). A timestamped log of every time garbage-collect runs would be great. Maybe I can do that with "(add-function :around ...)".

The long garbage-collect doesn't happen until I'm in exploding memory mode. I recently restarted emacs, so right now a GC is instantaneous. I'll let you know how it goes next time the memory runs away.


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