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bug#44708: Background Colour on State, bleeds into Headline Numbering

From: Christopher Dimech
Subject: bug#44708: Background Colour on State, bleeds into Headline Numbering
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 17:37:45 +0100

I have set headline numbering and added org-todo-keywords
with background highlighting using org-todo-keyword-faces.

;; Number Headlines
(setq org-startup-numerated t)

;; Sets Todo Keywords and Colour

(setq org-todo-keywords
   '( (seqeunce "TODO" "STARTED" "WAITING" "FINALISE" "|" "DONE")
                "|" "CR-DONE")  ))

(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
   '( ("TODO" . (:background "black" :foreground "red" :weight bold))
      ("STARTED" . (:background "black" :foreground "magenta" :weight bold))
      ("WAITING" . (:background "magenta" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
      ("FINALISE" . (:background "magenta" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
      ("DONE" . (:background "orange" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
      ("CRITICAL" . (:background "blak" :foreground "red" :weight bold))
      ("CR-STARTED" . (:background "red" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
      ("CR-WAITING" . (:background "red" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
      ("CR-FINALISE" . (:background "red" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
      ("CR-DONE" . (:background "orange" :foreground "black" :weight bold)) ))

I then write a headline with a state

* 1 Test

** 1.1 [DONE] Task

The problem is that Emacs will use the background colour for DONE to set
the background colour for the Headline Numbering as well, not to the
state DONE only.

Christopher Dimech
General Administrator - Naiad Informatics - GNU Project (Geocomputation)
- Geophysical Simulation
- Geological Subsurface Mapping
- Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
- Natural Resource Exploration and Production
- Free Software Advocacy

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