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bug#18527: 24.3; ERC does not reconnect when server disconnects me

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: bug#18527: 24.3; ERC does not reconnect when server disconnects me
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 21:41:39 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Robert Brown <brown@google.com> writes:

> I use ERC to connect to IRC servers.  ERC's automatic reconnection
> feature does not appear to work when the IRC server initiates the
> disconnection.  I have erc-server-reconnect-attempts set to t.
> Here is a recent example:
> *** netjoin: *.net *.split, 20 were split                               
> [10:15]
> ==> ERROR from irc.freenode.net: Closing Link: nat/google/x-onzfdymblldcwdch
>     (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)                                         
> [10:47]
> *** irc.freenode.net closed 
> Connection failed!  Not re-establishing connection.
> *** ERC terminated: finished

Can you load an uncompiled erc source and then edebug through this to
see what it is that says that we don't want to connect?

(defsubst erc-server-reconnect-p (event)
  "Return non-nil if ERC should attempt to reconnect automatically.
EVENT is the message received from the closed connection process."
  (or erc-server-reconnecting
      (and erc-server-auto-reconnect
           (not erc-server-banned)
           (not erc-server-error-occurred)
           ;; make sure we don't infinitely try to reconnect, unless the
           ;; user wants that
           (or (eq erc-server-reconnect-attempts t)
               (and (integerp erc-server-reconnect-attempts)
                    (< erc-server-reconnect-count
           (or erc-server-timed-out
               (not (string-match "^deleted" event)))
           ;; open-network-stream-nowait error for connection refused
           (if (string-match "^failed with code 111" event) 'nonblocking t))))

My guess would be erc-server-error-occurred, and in that case I wonder
what triggered that variable to become set.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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