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bug#16610: 24.3.50; [ruby-mode] Variables named as built-in functions fo

From: Bozhidar Batsov
Subject: bug#16610: 24.3.50; [ruby-mode] Variables named as built-in functions font-locked incorrectly
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 17:31:12 +0200

On Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Dmitry Gutov wrote:
Bozhidar Batsov <bozhidar@batsov.com> writes:

In the following snippet `format` is font-locked as the built-in
function, but it's actually a variable.

respond_to do |format|
format.json do
# ...

This problem obviously exists for all built-ins, but it's not a big
issue in general, since most of them don't have names that are likely to
be used as variable names. Not sure if we can have a simple solution for
this problem without a parser, though. I guess we can have a check if
the built-in methods have arguments (as most of them have).

A lot of them don't, though (or have no required arguments): __callee__,
__dir__, __method__, binding, caller, block_given?, exit, exit!, raise,
(s)rand, readline(s), sleep.

Guess we can separate these, and for all others, check if they're
followed by " *[]|,.)}]\\|$".
Separating the methods sounds reasonable. Variables can’t end with ?, so block_given? is always clear. Same goes for exit!. Pretty sure no one will ever name a var __xxx__. `binding` & `caller` seem the most likely names in the list to cause a problem like `format`, since they’d be good variable names (at least in code making use of metaprogramming). 

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