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bug#12916: Fwd: bug#12916: 24.2; Completion for "C-x b" does not include

From: Richard Copley
Subject: bug#12916: Fwd: bug#12916: 24.2; Completion for "C-x b" does not include current buffer
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 20:10:56 +0000

Stefan, sorry I replied to you personally without replying to the tracker.

On 19 November 2012 14:22, Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
>> In older Emacs versions (*), to switch buffer, I could type "C-x b",
>> followed by a unique prefix of the desired buffer's name, then "TAB
>> RET".  This routine no longer works.  Specifically, the completion fails
>> when the desired buffer is already the current buffer.  So before I can
>> switch, I first have to work out which window is selected and whether
>> its buffer is the one I want.
> Hmm... I'd expect the user to know in which buffer she is when she hits
> C-x b.  Can you give us a few more hints about your use-case to try and
> help me understand why you don't know in which buffer you are when you
> hit C-x b?

The short answer is, when I've just killed a buffer (and I'm reading
Wikipedia, talking to a co-worker and watching TV).

The longer answer is: when there are two windows visible, I've just
killed a buffer, the two windows are now showing the same buffer (and
by the way, who ordered that?!), I want both windows to show the same
buffer, and there's a family of ducklings walking past the window and
they're really cute.

My mental map of recently-used buffers is not per-window, so to me it
is now unpredictable what other buffer will be shown after I kill a
buffer. Now that I come to think about it, perhaps this is really my

>> In my opinion this was a bad decision, and I think we should go back
>> to using "B" as the interactive spec for switch-to-buffer.  Others
>> might disagree, so would it be possible to add a custom variable to
>> control whether the current buffer is included in the list of completions?
> I'm not sure this deserves such a customization variable. But in any
> case, in the mean time, you can get back the previous behavior with the
> following hack:
>    (defadvice internal-complete-buffer-except (around rc-all-buffers activate)
>      (setq ad-return-value #'internal-complete-buffer))
> Maybe a cleaner workaround might be:
>    (put 'switch-to-buffer 'interactive-form
>         '(interactive "BSwitch to buffer: "))

Thank you! That seems to behave just as I want.

> -- Stefan

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