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bug#9313: 24.0.50; Emacs 24 cannot load byte-compiled code from Emacs 23

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: bug#9313: 24.0.50; Emacs 24 cannot load byte-compiled code from Emacs 23.3 when using EIEIO's defmethod
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:47:17 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> This is a very late followup to an older message from emacs-devel,
> regarding the issue that Emacs24 after the lexbind merge cannot run
> byte-compiled code from Emacs23.3 if that is using EIEIO's 'defmethod':

Does the patch below fix the problem for you?


=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio.el    2011-05-23 00:39:25 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio.el    2011-08-22 21:46:05 +0000
@@ -2864,6 +2864,106 @@
+;;; Obsolete backward compatibility functions.
+;; Used to run byte-code compiled with Emacs-23.
+(defun eieio-defmethod (method args)
+  "Work part of the `defmethod' macro defining METHOD with ARGS."
+  (let ((key nil) (body nil) (firstarg nil) (argfix nil) (argclass nil) loopa)
+    ;; find optional keys
+    (setq key
+         (cond ((or (eq ':BEFORE (car args))
+                    (eq ':before (car args)))
+                (setq args (cdr args))
+                method-before)
+               ((or (eq ':AFTER (car args))
+                    (eq ':after (car args)))
+                (setq args (cdr args))
+                method-after)
+               ((or (eq ':PRIMARY (car args))
+                    (eq ':primary (car args)))
+                (setq args (cdr args))
+                method-primary)
+               ((or (eq ':STATIC (car args))
+                    (eq ':static (car args)))
+                (setq args (cdr args))
+                method-static)
+               ;; Primary key
+               (t method-primary)))
+    ;; get body, and fix contents of args to be the arguments of the fn.
+    (setq body (cdr args)
+         args (car args))
+    (setq loopa args)
+    ;; Create a fixed version of the arguments
+    (while loopa
+      (setq argfix (cons (if (listp (car loopa)) (car (car loopa)) (car loopa))
+                        argfix))
+      (setq loopa (cdr loopa)))
+    ;; make sure there is a generic
+    (eieio-defgeneric
+     method
+     (if (stringp (car body))
+        (car body) (format "Generically created method `%s'." method)))
+    ;; create symbol for property to bind to.  If the first arg is of
+    ;; the form (varname vartype) and `vartype' is a class, then
+    ;; that class will be the type symbol.  If not, then it will fall
+    ;; under the type `primary' which is a non-specific calling of the
+    ;; function.
+    (setq firstarg (car args))
+    (if (listp firstarg)
+       (progn
+         (setq argclass  (nth 1 firstarg))
+         (if (not (class-p argclass))
+             (error "Unknown class type %s in method parameters"
+                    (nth 1 firstarg))))
+      (if (= key -1)
+         (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list :static 'non-class-arg)))
+      ;; generics are higher
+      (setq key (eieio-specialized-key-to-generic-key key)))
+    ;; Put this lambda into the symbol so we can find it
+    (if (byte-code-function-p (car-safe body))
+       (eieiomt-add method (car-safe body) key argclass)
+      (eieiomt-add method (append (list 'lambda (reverse argfix)) body)
+                  key argclass))
+    )
+  (when eieio-optimize-primary-methods-flag
+    ;; Optimizing step:
+    ;;
+    ;; If this method, after this setup, only has primary methods, then
+    ;; we can setup the generic that way.
+    (if (generic-primary-only-p method)
+       ;; If there is only one primary method, then we can go one more
+       ;; optimization step.
+       (if (generic-primary-only-one-p method)
+           (eieio-defgeneric-reset-generic-form-primary-only-one method)
+         (eieio-defgeneric-reset-generic-form-primary-only method))
+      (eieio-defgeneric-reset-generic-form method)))
+  method)
+(make-obsolete 'eieio-defmethod 'eieio--defmethod "24.1")
+(defun eieio-defgeneric (method doc-string)
+  "Engine part to `defgeneric' macro defining METHOD with DOC-STRING."
+  (if (and (fboundp method) (not (generic-p method))
+          (or (byte-code-function-p (symbol-function method))
+              (not (eq 'autoload (car (symbol-function method)))))
+          )
+      (error "You cannot create a generic/method over an existing symbol: %s"
+            method))
+  ;; Don't do this over and over.
+  (unless (fboundp 'method)
+    ;; This defun tells emacs where the first definition of this
+    ;; method is defined.
+    `(defun ,method nil)
+    ;; Make sure the method tables are installed.
+    (eieiomt-install method)
+    ;; Apply the actual body of this function.
+    (fset method (eieio-defgeneric-form method doc-string))
+    ;; Return the method
+    'method))
+(make-obsolete 'eieio-defgeneric nil "24.1")
 ;;; Interfacing with edebug
 (defun eieio-edebug-prin1-to-string (object &optional noescape)

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