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bug#6468: A couple of problem related to frame raising (partly w32)

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: bug#6468: A couple of problem related to frame raising (partly w32)
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:58:19 +0200

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 12:39, Lennart Borgman
<lennart.borgman@gmail.com> wrote:

> You are right. Then it is perhaps only a logical error (which likely
> is a typo) since my version I have here now works.

Lennart, I haven't looked at the source code, just the example you
sent. What logical error? Are you saying that the comparation is an
error, or that the real Emacs code contains an assignment and that is
an error, or what?

> Could you please write it any way you like it?

No, I'm not likely to touch code in complex parts of Emacs I don't really know.

> (Maybe turn the test
> around to the recommended order so people like me who read C very
> seldom don't get fooled?)

People who read little C should learn more C before trying to change
the Emacs sources, IMNSHO.


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