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bug#28440: fts_info is set to FTS_DP for an Unreadable directory instead

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: bug#28440: fts_info is set to FTS_DP for an Unreadable directory instead of FTS_DNR on s390x
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 19:24:00 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.2.1

tags 28440 notabug
close 28440

(triaging old bugs)


On 2017-09-12 9:56 p.m., Prajakta Bhatekar wrote:
I have a piece of code that checks for access to a non-root user to perform a 
recursive chown operation on a directory with its child directory having 0 
permissions(all permission bits set to zero)

It uses the` fts_info` flags of FTSENT structure returned by fts_read().For 
s390x architecture(big endian), it is seen that the value of fts_info for the 
unreadable directory is set as 6 (FTS_DP) corresponding to postorder directory 
instead of 6 (FTS_DNR) which is an Unreadable directory . For x86 architecture 
(little endian), expected behaviour is observed as fts_info is FTS_DNR.

It seems your message was lost and not replied to in a year.
Sorry about that.

From your question it appears you are asking a programming question,
but this is the GNU coreutils mailing list - used to report
bugs in GNU coreutils programs (e.g. sort/head/tail/cut/dd).

As such, I'm closing this as "not a bug".

 - assaf

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