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[Axiom-mail] Programming with the Tree domain

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-mail] Programming with the Tree domain
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:56:23 -0600

If you are using the latest March 2009 sources (See

you'll find that there are several sources of information about trees.

First, there is the actual Tree domain (attached below)

which is contained in Book Volume 10.3: Axiom Algebra Domains (See

Second, if you look at the tree domain sources below you will see
various functions that are available. You will also see lines that
begin with --X which are examples of using each function.  These
examples will show up if you display the operation, such as:

  )display op cyclic?

Third, Book Volume 0: Axiom Jenks and Sutor (See:

has a few references to the tree domain (e.g. p93). See
  BalancedBinaryTree (BBTREE) in section 9.2 of volume 0 and
  BinarySearchTree (BSTREE) in section 9.4 of volume 0.

Fourth, in a running Axiom there are several "tree" domains which you 
can find by typing:

  )apropos tree

Fifth, there is domain specific information you can get with:

  )show BalancedBinaryTree
  )show BinarySearchTree
  )show Tree

You can get some help on these by typing:

  )help BalancedBinaryTree
  )help BinarySearchTree

or you can use their abbreviations:

  )help BBTREE
  )help BSTREE

Sixth, in the $AXIOM/doc/src/input directory there is a .dvi
file for bbtree, bstree, and tree:

 xdvi $AXIOM/doc/src/input/bbtree.input.dvi 
 xdvi $AXIOM/doc/src/input/bstree.input.dvi 
 xdvi $AXIOM/doc/src/input/tree.input.dvi 

Seventh, if you start Axiom and use Hyperdoc you can do:

  Reference -> Examples -> BalancedBinaryTree 
  Reference -> Examples -> BinarySearchTree

and finally, the corresponding input files can be read into Axiom using:

  )read /home/simon/axiom/mnt/fedora10/input/bbtree.input
  )read /home/simon/axiom/mnt/fedora10/input/bstree.input
  )read /home/simon/axiom/mnt/fedora10/input/tree.input

Feel free to post further questions.


)abbrev domain TREE Tree
++ Author:W. H. Burge
++ Date Created:17 Feb 1992
++ Date Last Updated:
++ Basic Operations:
++ Related Domains:
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords:
++ Examples:
++ References:
++ Description: \spadtype{Tree(S)} is a basic domains of tree structures.
++ Each tree is either empty or else is a {\it node} consisting of a value and
++ a list of (sub)trees.
Tree(S: SetCategory): T==C where
 T== RecursiveAggregate(S) with
     tree: (S,List %) -> %
       ++ tree(nd,ls) creates a tree with value nd, and children ls.
       ++X t1:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X tree(5,[t1])

     tree: List S -> %
       ++ tree(ls) creates a tree from a list of elements of s. 
       ++X tree [1,2,3,4]

     tree: S -> %
       ++ tree(nd) creates a tree with value nd, and no children
       ++X tree 6

     cyclic?: % -> Boolean
       ++ cyclic?(t) tests if t is a cyclic tree.
       ++X t1:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X cyclic? t1

     cyclicCopy: % -> %
       ++ cyclicCopy(l) makes a copy of a (possibly) cyclic tree l.
       ++X t1:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X cyclicCopy t1

     cyclicEntries:    % -> List %
       ++ cyclicEntries(t) returns a list of top-level cycles in tree t.
       ++X t1:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X cyclicEntries t1

     cyclicEqual?: (%, %) -> Boolean
       ++ cyclicEqual?(t1, t2) tests of two cyclic trees have 
       ++ the same structure.
       ++X t1:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X t2:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X cyclicEqual?(t1,t2)

     cyclicParents: % -> List %
       ++ cyclicParents(t) returns a list of cycles that are parents of t.
       ++X t1:=tree [1,2,3,4]
       ++X cyclicParents t1

 C== add
    cycleTreeMax ==> 5

    Rep := Union(node:Record(value: S, args: List %),empty:"empty")
    s: S
    ls: List S
    empty? t == t case empty
    empty()  == ["empty"]
    children t == 
      t case empty => error "cannot take the children of an empty tree" 
    setchildren_!(t,lt) == 
      t case empty => error "cannot set children of an empty tree"
      (t.node.args:=lt;t pretend %)
    setvalue_!(t,s) == 
      t case empty => error "cannot set value of an empty tree"
    count(n, t) == 
      t case empty => 0
      i := +/[count(n, c) for c in children t]
      value t = n => i + 1
    count(fn: S -> Boolean, t: %): NonNegativeInteger ==
      t case empty => 0
      i := +/[count(fn, c) for c in children t]
      fn value t => i + 1
    map(fn, t) == 
      t case empty => t
      tree(fn value t,[map(fn, c) for c in children t])
    map_!(fn, t) == 
      t case empty => t
      setvalue_!(t, fn value t)
      for c in children t repeat map_!(fn, c)
    tree(s,lt) == [[s,lt]]
    tree(s) == [[s,[]]]
    tree(ls) ==
      empty? ls => empty()
      tree(first ls, [tree s for s in rest ls])
    value t ==
      t case empty => error "cannot take the value of an empty tree" 
    child?(t1,t2) == 
      empty? t2 => false
      "or"/[t1 = t for t in children t2]
    distance1(t1: %, t2: %): Integer ==
      t1 = t2 => 0
      t2 case empty => -1
      u := [n for t in children t2 | (n := distance1(t1,t)) >= 0]
      #u > 0 => 1 + "min"/u 
    distance(t1,t2) == 
      n := distance1(t1, t2)
      n >= 0 => n
      distance1(t2, t1)
    node?(t1, t2) ==
      t1 = t2 => true
      t case empty => false
      "or"/[node?(t1, t) for t in children t2]
    leaf? t == 
      t case empty => false
      empty? children t
    leaves t == 
      t case empty => empty()
      leaf? t => [value t]
      "append"/[leaves c for c in children t]
    less? (t, n) == # t < n
    more?(t, n) == # t > n
    nodes t ==       ---buggy
      t case empty => empty()
      nl := [nodes c for c in children t]
      nl = empty() => [t]
    size? (t, n) == # t = n
    any?(fn, t) ==  ---bug fixed
      t case empty => false
      fn value t or "or"/[any?(fn, c) for c in children t]
    every?(fn, t) == 
      t case empty => true
      fn value t and "and"/[every?(fn, c) for c in children t]
    member?(n, t) == 
      t case empty => false
      n = value t or "or"/[member?(n, c) for c in children t]
    members t == parts t
    parts t == --buggy?
      t case empty => empty()
      u := [parts c for c in children t]
      u = empty() => [value t]
      cons(value t,"append"/u)
    ---Functions that guard against cycles: =, #, copy-------------

    -----> =   
    equal?: (%, %, %, %, Integer) -> Boolean

    t1 = t2 == equal?(t1, t2, t1, t2, 0) 

    equal?(t1, t2, ot1, ot2, k) ==
      k = cycleTreeMax and (cyclic? ot1 or cyclic? ot2) => 
        error "use cyclicEqual? to test equality on cyclic trees"
      t1 case empty => t2 case empty
      t2 case empty => false
      value t1 = value t2 and (c1 := children t1) = (c2 := children t2) and
        "and"/[equal?(x,y,ot1, ot2,k + 1) for x in c1 for y in c2]

    -----> #
    treeCount: (%, %, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger    
    # t == treeCount(t, t, 0)
    treeCount(t, origTree, k) ==
      k = cycleTreeMax and cyclic? origTree => 
        error "# is not defined on cyclic trees"
      t case empty => 0
      1 + +/[treeCount(c, origTree, k + 1) for c in children t]
    -----> copy
    copy1: (%, %, Integer) -> %
    copy t == copy1(t, t, 0)
    copy1(t, origTree, k) == 
      k = cycleTreeMax and cyclic? origTree => 
        error "use cyclicCopy to copy a cyclic tree"
      t case empty  => t
      empty? children t => tree value t
      tree(value t, [copy1(x, origTree, k + 1) for x in children t])
    -----------Functions that allow cycles---------------
    --local utility functions:
    eqUnion: (List %, List %) -> List %
    eqMember?: (%, List %) -> Boolean
    eqMemberIndex: (%, List %, Integer) -> Integer
    lastNode: List % -> List %
    insert: (%, List %) -> List %

    -----> coerce to OutputForm
    if S has SetCategory then
      multipleOverbar: (OutputForm, Integer, List %) -> OutputForm
      coerce1: (%, List %, List %) -> OutputForm

      coerce(t:%): OutputForm == coerce1(t, empty()$(List %), cyclicParents t)

      coerce1(t,parents, pl) ==
        t case empty => empty()@List(S)::OutputForm
        eqMember?(t, parents) => 
          multipleOverbar((".")::OutputForm,eqMemberIndex(t, pl,0),pl)
        empty? children t => value t::OutputForm
        nodeForm := (value t)::OutputForm
        if (k := eqMemberIndex(t, pl, 0)) > 0 then
           nodeForm := multipleOverbar(nodeForm, k, pl)
          [coerce1(br,cons(t,parents),pl) for br in children t])

      multipleOverbar(x, k, pl) ==
        k < 1 => x
        #pl = 1 => overbar x
        s : String := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        c := s.(1 + ((k - 1) rem 26))
        overlabel(c::OutputForm, x)
    -----> cyclic?
    cyclic2?: (%, List %) -> Boolean

    cyclic? t == cyclic2?(t, empty()$(List %))

    cyclic2?(x,parents) ==  
      empty? x => false
      eqMember?(x, parents) => true
      for y in children x repeat
        cyclic2?(y,cons(x, parents)) => return true
    -----> cyclicCopy
    cyclicCopy2: (%, List %) -> %
    copyCycle2: (%, List %) -> %
    copyCycle4: (%, %, %, List %) -> %

    cyclicCopy(t) == cyclicCopy2(t, cyclicEntries t)

    cyclicCopy2(t, cycles) ==
      eqMember?(t, cycles) => return copyCycle2(t, cycles)
      tree(value t, [cyclicCopy2(c, cycles) for c in children t])
    copyCycle2(cycle, cycleList) == 
      newCycle := tree(value cycle, nil)
        [copyCycle4(c,cycle,newCycle, cycleList) for c in children cycle])

    copyCycle4(t, cycle, newCycle, cycleList) == 
      empty? cycle => empty()
      eq?(t, cycle) => newCycle
      eqMember?(t, cycleList) => copyCycle2(t, cycleList)
      tree(value t,
           [copyCycle4(c, cycle, newCycle, cycleList) for c in children t])

    -----> cyclicEntries
    cyclicEntries3: (%, List %, List %) -> List %

    cyclicEntries(t) == cyclicEntries3(t, empty()$(List %), empty()$(List %))

    cyclicEntries3(t, parents, cl) ==
      empty? t => cl
      eqMember?(t, parents) => insert(t, cl)
      parents := cons(t, parents)
      for y in children t repeat
        cl := cyclicEntries3(t, parents, cl)
    -----> cyclicEqual?
    cyclicEqual4?: (%, %, List %, List %) -> Boolean

    cyclicEqual?(t1, t2) ==
      cp1 := cyclicParents t1
      cp2 := cyclicParents t2
      #cp1 ^= #cp2 or null cp1 => t1 = t2
      cyclicEqual4?(t1, t2, cp1, cp2)

    cyclicEqual4?(t1, t2, cp1, cp2) == 
      t1 case empty => t2 case empty
      t2 case empty => false
      0 ^= (k := eqMemberIndex(t1, cp1, 0)) => eq?(t2, cp2 . k)
      value t1 = value t2 and 
                 for x in children t1 for y in children t2]

    -----> cyclicParents t
    cyclicParents3: (%, List %, List %) -> List %

    cyclicParents t == cyclicParents3(t, empty()$(List %), empty()$(List %))

    cyclicParents3(x, parents, pl) ==
      empty? x => pl
      eqMember?(x, parents) => 
        cycleMembers := [y for y in parents while not eq?(x,y)]
        eqUnion(cons(x, cycleMembers), pl)
      parents := cons(x, parents)
      for y in children x repeat 
        pl := cyclicParents3(y, parents, pl)

    insert(x, l) ==
      eqMember?(x, l) => l
      cons(x, l)

    lastNode l ==
      empty? l => error "empty tree has no last node"
      while not empty? rest l repeat l := rest l

    eqMember?(y,l) ==
      for x in l repeat eq?(x,y) => return true

    eqMemberIndex(x, l, k) ==
      null l => k
      k := k + 1
      eq?(x, first l) => k
      eqMemberIndex(x, rest l, k)

    eqUnion(u, v) ==
      null u => v
      x := first u
      newV :=
        eqMember?(x, v) => v
        cons(x, v)
      eqUnion(rest u, newV)


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