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Re: [Axiom-mail] Spad and inductive types

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: Re: [Axiom-mail] Spad and inductive types
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 22:16:23 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

Ooops, I overlooked something.

#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"

#library EXPR ""
import from EXPR;

extend Expr: OutputType == add {
    import from 'MkInt', 'MkAdd', 'MkMul';
    import from Integer;
    (tw: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == {
        x case MkInt => tw << x.MkInt;
        x case MkAdd => {
            (a, b) := x.MkAdd;
            tw << "(" << a << "+" << b << ")";
        x case MkMul => {
            (a, b) := x.MkMul;
            tw << "(" << a << "*" << b << ")";

The use of case above seems very unnatural to me. Is it
possible to extend each constructor (e.g. MkInt, MkMul, etc.)

I don't understand. In my case Mk??? are not domain constructors, so I have no way to "extend" anyway.

On the other hand, why is that case business so unnatural? Expr is a Union, so in order to be type safe, I have to figure out in which part of the union the element actually lives. You do the same thing in your implementation of eval on .

main(): () == {
    import from Integer;
    e1: Expr := MkInt 1;       stdout << "e1 = " << e1 << newline;
    e2: Expr := MkInt 2;       stdout << "e2 = " << e2 << newline;
    e3: Expr := MkInt 3;       stdout << "e3 = " << e3 << newline;
    a1: Expr := MkAdd(e1, e2); stdout << "a1 = " << a1 << newline;
    m1: Expr := MkMul(a1, e3); stdout << "m1 = " << m1 << newline;

Ralf, these are just general comments about your approach and
aren't intended to be particularly critical.

Although I felt that it was the most critical reaction on one of my mails that I have ever experienced from you, I know that you do that to contribute to understanding the situation. I don't feel offended.

By the way. Today I have learned how to include an integer into the "left" or "right" part of Union(left: Integer, right: Integer). There appears only an example in the AUG, but not a formal description.


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