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Re: [Axiom-mail] Re: Outputting S-expressions

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: Re: [Axiom-mail] Re: Outputting S-expressions
Date: 08 Nov 2006 18:13:46 +0100

address@hidden (Ludovic Courtès) writes:

| address@hidden (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
| > One minor thing: in the output file, variable names are enclosed in `|'
| > (e.g., `(+ 1 |x|)').  Is there a way to turn it off?
| Similarly, Axiom sometimes issues additional information that is not
| relevant to me, for instance:
|   (|primeFactor| (|::| |lambda| #0=(|Polynomial| (|Integer|))) 1)
|   ...
|   (|primeFactor| (|::| (+ |lambda| (* (+ R 1) |beta|)) #0#) 4)
| Is there a way one could tweak it into removing those additional
| annotations?

I like the Unix philosophy of operation on streams: you take in
something and produce an output, you don't modify the input in-place.
It is much easier for a given application to see why is relevant to it
than for a general purpose tool to second-guess.

-- Gaby

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