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[Anarchdb-devel] Who's Who

From: Meshee
Subject: [Anarchdb-devel] Who's Who
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 12:01:19 +0100

Hello there, as François is reducing his activity around anardb and
seeks for someone else to leader the project, and that a new extention
that will require developpement will be delivered soon i think it is
important to figure out what the devel team will do next.

As i'm the latest subscriber to this mailing list i will properly
introduce myself, what i can and am willing to do.

So here am i:
My name is Sylvain, 34 years old, i'm french, i'm a linux user for
about 8 years (Suse, RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOs), and a vtes
players for even more time. I'm staff member of,
where i'm PHP/mysql/postgres developper, Tournament Judge and

My job is IT project leader and Software architect in a small french
company. As a software architect i build Java/ based thin clients
N-tiers applications. I also like python language and others stuff.

My anarchdb involvment:
* I'm willing to promote the only linux enabled application but have
very reduced free time to contribute.
*As i'm no skilled c++/wxWidget developper i will propably not dive in
anarchdb code base.
* None the less i can administrate and plan developpemnt for you guys,
* i am also willing to setup and attractive website for anarchdb
* i can do unit, functionnal and regression tests for GNU/Linux plateform.
* i can contribute to the software documentation

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